Sunday, February 23, 2014

Queue the video montage...

Hi Everyone!

I know, I know, it's been a while.  I hope everyone is doing well at their goals.  I continue to be inspired by the many Facebook posts from my friends as they continue to crush it.  It also doesn't hurt that this was Olympics month.  How motivating!

Things in my camp have been progressing quite well.  I have been doing well at my 6x a week workouts and now have drafted others into the Early Morning Crew.  That helps knowing they are up and at it somewhere...keep me motivated to get up and get my workout done.  

My current mantra is "quality".   Just focus on quality.  I have been working very hard on strengthening my hips and it's working.  I can now run 45 minutes on a treadmill at a reasonable pace.  I have enough confidence in my recovery that I am signing up for 5ks and a few longer races.  Although I am disappointed I missed the 6 weeks of cool weather due to the injury and now it's back to 78 degree, higher humidity

This injury has humbled me.  It really has.  I never had one that hurt all the time.  Little things like getting in and out if a chair were painful..eye watering painful. But I am ready to put it behind me.  It's also made me mentally tougher and smarter...I am hoping I will no longer ignore pains before they get out of hand. 

So, I'm optimistic and frustrated at the same time, but this picture sums things up in my camp:

And so the official comeback has begun...queue the inspirational music and cliche sport I come...