Monday, April 21, 2014

Not so fast....

Well...I guess my body didn't want that video montage of a comeback...not less tan 48 hours after I posted that last entry, my hip started aching again.  Insert appropriate curse word here, I liked MOTHERF@&$ER!

So...once I stopped eating cupcakes, cause that's what you do when things don't go right, eat cupcakes...I tried something new...

Yes, those are bunny butts and they were yummy.

So...onward.  My friends had told me to try something called Active Release Therapy.  Luckily I have a friend who had a doctor to refer me to and I started getting the therapy.  I googled how it helped with hip pain and it seemed promising: seemed.  Did it work?  Kinda.  On top of the bursitis, my hip is a hot mess of tangled muscle fibers and for that part, yes, it certainly worked.  We then started throwing other therapy at it such as Graston and ultrasound, but I believe we reached a point of disminishing returns and "empty wallet syndrome".  So...I stopped.  I cried more.  It became less about being able to run and more about 5 months of daily pain in sitting and walking.  Frustration level: off the charts.

Then, I got angry.  Angry and pissed at everything.  I despised reading people post about training, races, hell anything positive.  Even my close knit friends were getting to me.  I shut down, I went off the grid, I processed.  Then I said it out loud.  "I don't think i will ever run again".  "What if THEY were right?  Maybe they are right."

I had a very emotional shower, bawling my eyes out and just coming to terms with that.  I said it a few times more and just remained sad for several days.  

Then the weirdest thing happened.  The pain got less.  This whole time I had still been religiously icing my hip multiple time a day.  The pain got smaller.  More tolerable and I thought, could the bursa sac FINALLY be shrinking?  This past Monday, April 14th, I don't know what made me do it, but I took an Aleve and went upon my work day.  As the day progressed, the irritation was less noticeable.  I also kidded around with my friends and decided that if this a-hole was going to be in my life, I would give it a name, so I named my bursa sac Claude.

Tuesday, April 15:  I woke up to work out and the oddest sign of irritation or pain.  I thought, "huh".  It happened to be leg day and I did my whole workout and still nothing, "huh"...I got to the mats to do my rehab exercises and I thought, " for sure I will feel it cause I always feel it", nothing.  "What.the.fuck."  I quickly texted my friend Professor Badass at 5:30 am, cause that's what friends do lol, and said, "no sign of Claude." And then I shed a few tears. Proceed with caution.

Several days passed, no sign, happy me.  The weather went to crap later in the week and on Saturday, Claude poked his head back.  I'm not sure if there is a correlation between bursitis and humidity.  Must google.

Maybe I am getting better.  Maybe.  Still, no plans to,lace up until mid May, assuming Claude stays away.  So, until then, I continue the, rehab exercises, anti inflammatories, hope.  At least I have cute physical therapy partners:

Momma...can we help?

Until next time...