Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 goals

Happy new year everyone!  Can I still say that?  It's the 4th, as I draft this, but I think the rule says if it's the first time, I can still wish everyone a happy new year...anyway...

Ready for 2014!

Did we all make it through the holidays?  I did, barely.  Fun times and a lot of continued work on my hip issues.  I saw my doctor again and it'll be another couple of weeks before I can try to run.  I am just starting to do cardio again.  I am going bat-shit crazy not being able to do any cardio.  The weight training is fun, but I need to move.  Patience they say.  Argh.

So, everyone and their brother are posting their goals for if you can't beat them join them!  Here's the list of what all my haters will try to talk me out of this year...

650 miles:  I think this is doable.  I ran 455 last year and that was with a lot of forced breaks.  Seeing how I am working on getting back to beast mode in my strength training...think I can achieve this.

Working out
6 days a week.  To get back to beast mode, I can't pussy around with 3-4 days a week.  I've got to train 6 days a week and by train, I mean run, cycle, weight train and stretch.

Push-ups:  so, my running group has this push up challenge going.  While not high on my list, I would like to be able to do 3x15 full push-ups with good form every other day.

Races- big ones
1 Fall half marathon
1 FULL marathon (January 2015)

I do plan to sprinkle in some shorter races, solely to build back my t-shirt collection.

Ha ha ha!  Well...I would like to lose 15 pounds.  I gained 15 pounds when we upgraded to our new house due to the added financial stress, but that's been resolved and now it's time to ge the weight off.  Enough excuses.

Included in this weight goal is getting back into 4 pairs of jeans that have been collecting dust in my closet.  

Stretch goal: would love to influence at least 1 person in my circle of naysayers to take a positive step in health.  This is probably the hardest of them all!

I am sure there may be some set backs in the road ahead, but I think I have a good plan in place.

With that said, calling it a night!

We've got work to do!


  1. Awesome goals and I think the are all doable!

    1. Thanks Nicole! Can't wait to start tackling them!

  2. These are great goals! I'm thinking of trying for a full marathon winter 2015, too.
