Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Well that didn't take long...

Wow world, I dared you and you responded.

I got the news yesterday from my orthapod, "I'm sorry, but I don't recommend you run the Disney half marathon".

Gotta admit I welled up for a second or two, then got it together.  Turns out I have a bit of tendonitis and bursitis in my left hip.  Son of a bitch!  The night before I was speaking to someone in my inner circle about my hip really hurting and they responded, "(sigh) when are you going to accept that you have to give up running?"

I wanted to shoot flames into this person, but thankfully, I had a sleeping puppy on my lap and just paused and replied, "I'm not there yet," (inner voice, shut the fuck up you asshole).

So, the game plan is running for the next 3-4 weeks and the only cardio for now has to be in water.  Maybe later next week I can resume spinning.  Prescription meds and the like.  I have already started doing my rehab exercises.  I know the root cause:  god gave me hips, just not strong ones!  So it will be a lot of work rebuilding the strength in my smaller leg muscles.  I'm cool with it.  Gives me a chance to catch up with my old friends at my gym and build up some muscle mass and possible get lean, as long as no one throw cupcakes in front of me.

Thank The Lord I didn't Double Dog Dare you all!



  1. It's amazing how non-runners in our lives want us to just GIVE UP RUNNING like it's nothing. They never get it. 3-4 weeks off isn't terrible, and you'll be so strong when you come back!

    1. I know. I just wish that one time the message would be as supportive as a runners response!

  2. 3-4 weeks of rehab... pshah. It will fly by (especially with the holidays). Leaner stronger faster 2014 will come!
